Wednesday, July 25, 2007

You little bastard

So lets say that the average mosquito weight is 2.5 milligrams. Therefore, a 200 pound man would out weigh such a winged harbinger of nasty by a factor of 3.63 x 10^7 times (36 million or so). You'd think that if we were to meet on a deserted island that it would be no contest - "Amnesia from Polynesia" or some such epic Don King'ism. Truth be told and if we were in fact boxers, I'd be the laughing stock of the universe. First round to the little bastard, but apparently there is a chance that a contest might still be going on.

I just met up with my family doctor to go over my month old test results (x2) from my little accident with dengue fever. As it turns out, it was waging a little bit of a war with my liver while I wasn't looking. My liver was a correspondent in Beirut for some years and I am sure that it dealt with the onslaught with a meaty schlock of it's tail, but its freaking me out a bit. My doctor and I are sure that everything is now ok and come Wednesday the test results will be in and than I am sure that I will be sure of the same. Just not the happy go lucky - "have a great time in Asia" visit to the GP that I was thinking I was going to have.


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