Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Turtle Leaping

I promised my friend Meghan that I would send pictures of me playing leap turtle with some of Galapagos finest. After finding a likely candidate, I realized how big these things were and got a bit sceptical. The first part would have been no problem, but the second leg could have been quite painful. She was so insistent on the joke, I wonder how much she actually likes me in the end. After passing on the first specimen I was able to witness it in action. It seemed to kind of get the game and looked like it was going to make it, but then stopped halfway. Perhaps it was just tired, as it seemed to be making an awful lot of grunting noises as it went along. Maybe its one more experience that I have missed on?

Those crazy Tortugas.

Also on my mini tour, I went through a lava tunnel, which was a 350 yard dash through dripping muck. Kind of geologically interesting, but I looked forward to the stairs out of there.

I continue to be burnt and the weather continues to be burning. Who knew?

1 comment:

  1. Why can't I leave comments on all the posts? Instead of responding to your wonderful Douglas Adams title, I'm stuck with the Raaaandy turtles - nothing changes I guess.

    Sounds like you've had a decent trips' worth already - have (hope you had) a great crossing.
