Saturday, March 3, 2007


Me and the Wong went to the cottage today. For those of you who don't know him, he is the master of the selfless give. Two gringos against the north (sorry thats 1 gringo) - long slog across the frozen lake followed by shoveling off approximately 10 tones of snow off the at points 18ft high roof (there are complex calculations behind this - trust me). By all estimates, it was at the upper end of what the cottage could bear. What does one do after 5 hours of shoveling? That’s right - walk back across the lake and rush home. Great experience and it was great way to see me (and him) off.

Right into McCools for the last installment of the 2 week "this is the last time I do X" going away extravaganza. Thanks all who participated - you know who you obviously socially bankrupt folks are.

Back for some legal crap and starting the packing.