Sunday, March 18, 2007

Home sweet home

Had a delightful meal with Chris and Elsie. I hadn´t really thought about it (like a lot of things that I am seeing these days), but not only am I helping someone as crew, I will actually be living in their home. Boat owners must feel so vulnerable and twitchy about meeting crew for the first time. Its kind of like a boarder that shows up at your door and says "Ok - here I am, when do we move this thing cross country?". They were very welcoming and went overboard (pun intended) to make me feel welcome which I appreciated. There must be some horror stories about this situation on both sides of a new crew - owner relationship.

They both have led extremely rich lives and have some incredible stories to tell of world travelling (and living). Puts pretty much anyone I know to shame, I can tell you that.

Turned out that there was a communication mix up and in fact I was there for lunch (after I had just finished on the mainland). No problem, we'll just make it a late lunch. Nice and calm. I can't wait to join this fraternity.

The boat is quite solid, organized and provisioned. I am shocked at how much work has gone into this voyage already, not to mention the seemingly constant bureaucracy that Chris has had to endure.

I join on the 21st and then its not really clear to me when we actually leave. I am sure there will be a day or two of last minute stuff and getting all squared away. We are hitting one of the islands on our way out (Isabella) and then its clear blue sea.

Feeling good.

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