CNN was on. A pastor of a cultish thing near the mighty missisip was being interviewed. His ministry has been searched due to an investigation of sexual abuse (minors).
"In an interview Monday, Alamo spoke of the allegations with a mix of denial and defiance, saying he never promoted sexual abuse but that he believes there's a mandate from the Bible for young girls to marry."In the Bible it happened. But girls today, I don't marry 'em if they want to at 14-15 years old. Because we won't do it, even though I believe it's OK," Alamo said.
In an AP interview on Saturday, he had said that for girls having sex, "consent is puberty."
Source. Through Google News. Tried searching for it on CNN. Palin, Palin, Palin... no creepy dude who thinks that the bible is literal and that if the hormones of young girls start to change then its open season on a rape'y type of marriage.
Not that I expect much from CNN, but should this at least be reported above the No Gas or the snake stories (which, for the keen observer, was reported before the one about 9 Iraqi dead?)